Taking Charge Myself

How I'm Taking Charge of My Health & Wealth

Category: General Health

General healthcare and advocacy

  • Biopsy results….NEGATIVE!!

    Hell. Yes. I mean, it doesn’t feel like there would be much more to say…does it? “Negative biopsy results.” Ha! You know better. 😉 The wait, in fact, did feel like for.e.ver. (Channeling my inner Smalls from Sandlot.) The biopsy was done on a Wednesday. The radiologist reassured me he would call me directly with…

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  • The. Biopsy.

    I Continue Through the Steps An 8 a.m. appointment for a needle biopsy of the right breast. Not the best way to start a day! I’m not a morning person either, so definitely not the best way to start a day. (If you want to know what steps brought me to the biopsy, you can…

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  • Moving Through the Steps

    Biopsy tomorrow is prompting lots of emotions… Yesterday I was planning to write about life-affirming habits. I let myself get busy with less important matters. Not a life-affirming habit. LOL. I had some cool things come across my horoscope yesterday, and for the week. I really wanted to share my thoughts, especially since the thing…

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  • #thisisfortysomething

    Birthday ponderings… Why oh why do we wait until we are grown-ass adults/”of a certain age” to do little things to care for ourselves?? I know this doesn’t apply to everyone, but most people are so caught up in a time-is-money mentality until, either we are old enough to realize we can only take care…

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  • Unexpected First Post!

    I have a screening mammogram scheduled today, finally. Been putting this off for a long time. I’ve known for a while that I needed some baseline scans. Well okay, to be honest, weird I know, but I’ve worried for a long time that I would one day have breast cancer. Just one of those strange…

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