Taking Charge Myself

How I'm Taking Charge of My Health & Wealth


Birthday ponderings…

Why oh why do we wait until we are grown-ass adults/”of a certain age” to do little things to care for ourselves??

I know this doesn’t apply to everyone, but most people are so caught up in a time-is-money mentality until, either we are old enough to realize we can only take care of ourselves and no one can do the little things for us, or some life-changing event flips a switch to the time-is-limited mentality. Then suddenly priorities shift so that we are taking better care of ourselves, giving less fu@k$, delegating time to what matters.

But why wait?…

Why are we not openly encouraging our next generations to take care of themselves now instead of waiting to learn #allthethings later, when we may then be playing catch up. We frequently look back and wonder why we weren’t taking 10 or 15 minutes out of a “too-busy” day to meditate, journal, watch the sunrise/sunset, pray, or dance. Or work out. Yoga. Or walk. Or write. Or read for inspiration. Or [insert whatever fills your cup].

Less than 10 min to see the sunrise through the clouds this morning

Do we seriously consider others, our jobs, money, etc etc etc so much more important than the 10 minutes it might take to get yourself centered and filled and ready to pour out onto those who are receiving from you (or taking from you!)?

And…why are we waiting until we are in stress crisis to mitigate stress? We are a society of reactive instead of proactive.

Now, I’m not blind. I do feel/see the shift. I think it’s finally happening, slowly. We are finally looking at and discussing and actually implementing these easier proactive measures for better total health and wealth, and being in control of our own health and wealth. But goodness, we waited until we as a whole were in such a sorry state to….react….and find ways to be proactive. Bit of mind fu@kery there eh?

Proactive vs reactive

Is it easier to react? Or is it just that we aren’t looking at each other in tough love-ish style, and saying, hey…let’s not get to such a sad state before taking action. Let’s go for a walk. Let’s look at how we eat AND what we eat. Let’s talk about stress and how to manage it. Let’s talk about how to just be content without feeling like you’re “settling.” Let’s talk about happiness and what that means to you…and how to feel like you are striving and achieving what you desire but not killing yourself to get there!

People vs papers

There are plenty of blogs, tips, articles galore, but that has really put a damper on a really important piece of the puzzle: peer and mentor discussions and accountability, and showing up for each other. Pushing one another (and yourself) to just take 10 min to talk to someone who is uplifting, talk to yourself, or to a higher power.

We have long been a society of grit and toughness and suck-it-up mentality. Suddenly we shifted to such a coddling state of existence that not only are we not encouraging each other (especially those younger than us) to get up and take care of yourself and family, we are now afraid to offend someone(s) by saying the truth. It is time to be in the happy medium for Pete’s sake. Time to find a way to lovingly push ourselves and younger generations to take care of our health and wealth proactively, and with grit and commitment.

How can we be better, care for ourselves and each other, and mentor if we are uncomfortable saying “hey you/we need to get a handle on something.”

TALK about your journey.

When I think about writing and sharing (yeah I know it ain’t talking…but it’s a step to push myself and others to get to the talking!), I am always questioning that it will only be real and applicable to those who are my peers. Those who can relate. But why can’t it be applicable to all? Why can I not share for those I hope will take heed and do for themselves proactively.

It can. We can. I can. I will share my journey so that maybe someone out there will do what needs to be done sooner, better, now, proactively, and…for. your. self.

Be well,
